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Listes d’outils et ressources utiles (surtout pour Windows)
Ressources Virtual-Key Codes NirCmd helper FireFox MacOS 10.8.5 Programmes NirCmd : pour interagir avec l'OS Windows via des scripts et des raccourcis claviers.
Comment ajouter n’importe quel application/processus au démarrage de Windows
En Anglais: Press Windows+R to open the “Run” dialog box. Type “shell:startup” and then hit Enter to open the “Startup” folder. Create a shortcut in the “Startup” folder to any file, folder, or app's executable file. It will open on startup the next time you...
IPD, SDE, Sweet Spot… Les acronymes spéciaux casques VR (réalité virtuelle) expliqués.
En bonus, explication spéciales pour régler l'IPD sur casques Windows Mixed Reality. Que signifie "IPD" ? Il s'agit d'un acronyme pour "interpupillary distance" en anglais, soit l'écart pupillaire en français. Dans le cas des casques de VR, tels que l'Oculus Rift S,...

Failed to create D3D device! Error Message (Source Engine Game) like CSGO or Left For Dead 2 (RADEON FIX!) – December 2019 fix
Maybe you have encountered this issue "Failed to create D3D device!". My brother did during our last game session with an AMD Radeon 5700XT in December 2019. The fix for us was to disable AMD Radeon Anti-Lag feature in the Graphics Control Panel. You should also make...

How to redirect an url to another one to be more productive, or anything else.
I was searching for a solution to redirect an url to another one to be more productive, or switch webapp tools easily without thinking about it. First, I tried editing hosts file (windows only solution), but the thing is you can only redirect to an IP....